I am pushing a message to Teams. I've gotten as far as being able to bold the message but I can't seem to add color. This is how I bolded the text.
MicrosoftTeams.PostMessageToChannelV3(Group.Selected.id,Channel.Selected.id, {content: "Brand: <b>" & AddBrand_TB.Value & "</b> was added", contentType: "html"})
If you try and add color there is an issue with the extra set of nested quotes.
MicrosoftTeams.PostMessageToChannelV3(Group.Selected.id,Channel.Selected.id, {content: "Brand:
<span style="color:#e67e22"><b>" & AddBrand_TB.Value & "</b></span> was added", contentType: "html"})
@Future_Vision Glad to help!
Sorry for not marking the solution earlier. Both work. Thanks!
@Future_Vision To have double quotes as part of u'r string u need double double quotes, For example to display "Text" in a Label, the Text property of the Label would be """Text"""
So in your case to introduce colour, u'll need,
MicrosoftTeams.PostMessageToChannelV3(Group.Selected.id,Channel.Selected.id, {content: "Brand:
<span style=""color:#e67e22""><b>" & AddBrand_TB.Value & "</b></span> was added", contentType: "html"})
Try changing your formula to the following:
MicrosoftTeams.PostMessageToChannelV3(Group.Selected.id,Channel.Selected.id, {content: "Brand:
<span style='color:#e67e22'><b>" & AddBrand_TB.Value & "</b></span> was added", contentType: "html"})
I hope this is helpful for you.