We have a PowerApp which is using an Excel Spreadsheet as a Data source to do LookUps (sitting in Sharepoint). We noticed we are having to provide end users access to this Spreadsheet for them to be able to use the app with no errors. Is there a way we can set implicit permissions in the app to allow them to use the App without having to provide them access to the Data source as this appears on user's Office 365 Portal and they would go into it and make changes without knowing.
Is there a way around this i.e implicit permissions in the App or using an alternative Data source?
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi @Masum172
It's not possible to grant users implicit access to an Excel spreadsheet. Power Apps supports implicit/shared connections to certain data sources - Excel isn't one of those.
An alternative is SQL Server, which does support implicit connections. This alternative would require all users to have a premium license, so this might not be a viable solution if you don't already have premium licenses.