In Power Apps, I have a managed solution in the test environment containing an app and a flow. In the same environment, I deploy the solution.
After the deployment, when the user tries to upload a file, they receive the following error:
UploadFiles.Run failed: {"error":{"code":"0x80048d0b","message":"{"errorCode":"NotAllowedConnectionReference","message":"Connection reference 'shared_sharepointonline' can not be given by invoker.","correlationId":"04322e94-b55a-4575-809d-ed003f0f1065"}"}}
How can I resolve this?
) that cannot be invoked by the current user or is not properly set up in the target environment after deployment.Check the connection references:
) is properly configured. It seems that the flow is referencing a connection that isn't authorized or available to the user invoking the flow.Update or reconfigure connection references: