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Migrating app from excel to Sharepoint

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Hi everyone

The rest of my app has transitioned fairly well, other than a few delegation warnings, but I have a combobox that's not happy.


If(Toggle1_1.Value = true,Sort(Distinct(Filter(Sent_Orders,QuantityO<>QuantityRO),OrderNumO &" "& Title),Result,Ascending),Sort(Distinct(Sent_Orders,OrderNumO &" "& Title),Result))


Under the (Filter(Sent_Orders,QuantityO<>QuantityRO) I am getting the red squiggles saying requested operation is invalid. 

Thank you for your time. QuantityO and QuantityRO are number columns in  Sharepoint.

  • R Bakker Profile Picture
    R Bakker 725 on at
    Re: Migrating app from excel to Sharepoint

    Thank you so much, I was seriously missing the convenience of this function.

  • Verified answer
    Re: Migrating app from excel to Sharepoint

    Hi @Corissandageri ,


    At my knowledge, we cannot directly compare two columns in sharepoint list,. This is a limitation of SharePoint OData query.

    So I suggest you put the data in List into the collection first.


    I've made a test for your reference:

    1\ This is my list “LIST42”.




    2\ Add a button control and set its onselect property to:



    3\ Add a combo box control and set its Items property to:



    At this point, the combo box control allows searching and the drop-down menu has options.


    Best Regards,


    If my post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help others.Thanks

  • R Bakker Profile Picture
    R Bakker 725 on at
    Re: Migrating app from excel to Sharepoint

    Thank you, this is filtering now but when I enable Allow searching, it won't dropdown.

  • Re: Migrating app from excel to Sharepoint

    Hi @Corissandageri ,


    Please try to modify part of the code you reported the error:



    If you still have any question, please don't hesitate to let me know.

    If my post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help others.Thanks

    Best Regards,


  • R Bakker Profile Picture
    R Bakker 725 on at
    Re: Migrating app from excel to Sharepoint

    This one has me so confused as NWSEASD suggested I would have thought if I'm using Sharepoint as a data source and my columns are number type(which they are), that I would have to put .Value after the two column names. It seems to work fine when it had Excel as a database.

  • R Bakker Profile Picture
    R Bakker 725 on at
    Re: Migrating app from excel to Sharepoint

    No, it won't allow me to do .anything

  • NWEASD Profile Picture
    NWEASD 174 on at
    Re: Migrating app from excel to Sharepoint

    Do you have the ability to do QuanityO.Value <> QuantityRO.Value?

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