Hi everyone
The rest of my app has transitioned fairly well, other than a few delegation warnings, but I have a combobox that's not happy.
If(Toggle1_1.Value = true,Sort(Distinct(Filter(Sent_Orders,QuantityO<>QuantityRO),OrderNumO &" "& Title),Result,Ascending),Sort(Distinct(Sent_Orders,OrderNumO &" "& Title),Result))
Under the (Filter(Sent_Orders,QuantityO<>QuantityRO) I am getting the red squiggles saying requested operation is invalid.
Thank you for your time. QuantityO and QuantityRO are number columns in Sharepoint.
Thank you so much, I was seriously missing the convenience of this function.
Hi @Corissandageri ,
At my knowledge, we cannot directly compare two columns in sharepoint list,. This is a limitation of SharePoint OData query.
So I suggest you put the data in List into the collection first.
I've made a test for your reference:
1\ This is my list “LIST42”.
2\ Add a button control and set its onselect property to:
3\ Add a combo box control and set its Items property to:
At this point, the combo box control allows searching and the drop-down menu has options.
Best Regards,
If my post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help others.Thanks
Thank you, this is filtering now but when I enable Allow searching, it won't dropdown.
Hi @Corissandageri ,
Please try to modify part of the code you reported the error:
If you still have any question, please don't hesitate to let me know.
If my post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help others.Thanks
Best Regards,
This one has me so confused as NWSEASD suggested I would have thought if I'm using Sharepoint as a data source and my columns are number type(which they are), that I would have to put .Value after the two column names. It seems to work fine when it had Excel as a database.
No, it won't allow me to do .anything
Do you have the ability to do QuanityO.Value <> QuantityRO.Value?