Hi everyone
I created a bot that is using a UI Flow. The flow has two inputs and one output. The output is used in a bot message. The UI Flow succeeds but the action respond to virtual agent is failing with a timeout.
The Flow is running 1.45 minutes. Really hope the timeout is higher than a minute. Does anybody know if there is timeout or anyone else with a timeout problem?
Error Message:
The execution of template action 'Respond_to_Power_Virtual_Agents' is failed: the client application timed out waiting for a response from service. This means that workflow took longer to respond than the alloted timeout value. The connection maintained between the client application and service will be closed and client application will get an HTTP status code 504 Gateway Timeout.
so it really seems to be a 90 (+,-) seconds timeout. Tested with another flow and but a delay on it. Failing with the same error, with a 85 seconds delay it was working. I hope the timeout will be increased further because a lot scenarios will be destroyed with this timeout (especially UI Flows).
Opened a User Voice. https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Power-Apps-Ideas/Increase-timeout-when-using-a-flow-action-in-Power-Virtual/idi-p/458729