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Using Patch and LookUp to udpate a Sharepoint list

(1) ShareShare
Posted on by 84
I have a Gallery 01, and filter this Gallery 01 I collect in another Gallery 02 some record from the Sharepoint list “SpeseV01”.
In this way I create with the selected record in the Galley a collection “MyCollection”.
I modify the value of some records in the collection, and after I want update the record in the sharepoint list.
To make this, I have two buttons ( I’m not able use only one button, and I don’t’know why).
The first button  in the “OnSelect property” has:
 “ClearCollect(MyCollection; Gallery3.AllItems)”
So in this way I have all the elements modified in the collection.
The second button in the OnSelect property has :

       LookUp(SpeseV01; ID = ThisRecord.ID);
       {  Title: txtTitolo.Value;
           TipoSpesa: dropTipoSpesa.Selected;
           Importo: numImporto.Value;
           DataSpesa: dateDataSpesa.SelectedDate;
           Pagamento: dropPagamento.Selected;
           Fornitore: txtFornitore.Value;
           Note: txtNote.Value;
           DataRimborso: dateDataRimborso.SelectedDate;
           IDRimborso: txtIDRimborso.Value

But it doesn’t’ work.
If I use the monitor, the error is :
“Fetching Items failed. Possible invalid string in filter query.”
What can I do ? I’m new of patch and LookUp function.
  • ancorte Profile Picture
    ancorte 84 on at
    Using Patch and LookUp to udpate a Sharepoint list
    The actual problem is the Patch..For All (i'm not sure to have understood exactly how it works).
    In the Gallery i have only the record that i filtered with another Gallery (and it's ok.)
    For example, if i have 3 records, an modify the value in the field "Import",  when i push the button it modify with the new value of "Importo" all the 3 records.
    The "Onselect" property of the button, applying your suggestion, is this (but i can made an error...)
     ForAll(Gallery3.AllItems As _Data;
           {ID: _Data.ID;  
            Title: txtTitolo.Value;
               TipoSpesa: dropTipoSpesa.Selected;
               Importo: numImporto.Value;
               DataSpesa: dateDataSpesa.SelectedDate;
               Pagamento: dropPagamento.Selected;
               Fornitore: txtFornitore.Value;
               Note: txtNote.Value;
               DataRimborso: dateDataRimborso.SelectedDate;
               IDRimborso: txtIDRimborso.Value
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 144,609 on at
    Using Patch and LookUp to udpate a Sharepoint list
    What part are you having trouble understanding ?
  • ancorte Profile Picture
    ancorte 84 on at
    Using Patch and LookUp to udpate a Sharepoint list
    Thank you Warren !!!
    It's all ok and it works perfectly ! I think that i have to understand better  how to use the patch function. Any suggestion will be appreciated !
  • Verified answer
    WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 144,609 on at
    Using Patch and LookUp to udpate a Sharepoint list
    The fundamental issue here is that you cannot Patch from the Collection while referring to the control values in the Gallery - either do one or the other - Patch from the Gallery and refer to the control content
          Gallery01.AllItems As _Data;
             ID: _Data.ID
             Title: _Data.txtTitolo.Value;
             TipoSpesa: _Data.dropTipoSpesa.Selected;
             Importo: _Data.numImporto.Value;
             DataSpesa: _Data.dateDataSpesa.SelectedDate;
             Pagamento: _Data.dropPagamento.Selected;
             Fornitore: _Data.txtFornitore.Value;
             Note: _Data.txtNote.Value;
             DataRimborso: _Data.dateDataRimborso.SelectedDate;
             IDRimborso: _Data.txtIDRimborso.Value
    or Patch from the Collection and refer to the field names in it (I have assumed the names here)
          MyCollection As _Data;
             ID: _Data.ID
             Title: _Data.Title;
             TipoSpesa: _Data.TipoSpesa;
             Importo: _Data.Importo;
             DataSpesa: _Data.DataSpesa;
             Pagamento: _Data.Pagamento;
             Fornitore: _Data.Fornitore;
             Note: _Data.Note;
             DataRimborso: _Data.DataRimborso;
             IDRimborso: _Data.IDRimborso

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