inprogresslis As x,
x.status = "New",
// If the record does not exist, create a new one
'FTE Draft Data',
Defaults('FTE Draft Data'),
'Employee NO': x.'Employee NO', // Use fields from the gallery item
'Cluster/Function': x.'Cluster/Function',
Program: x.Program,
'Full Name': x.'Full Name',
'Budget Code': x.'Budget Code',
'FTE(%)': x.'FTE(%)',
OriginalEndDate: If(
IsBlank(x.OriginalEndDate) || Len(x.OriginalEndDate) <> 10,
Blank(), // Leave blank if the date format is incorrect
Value(Mid(x.OriginalEndDate, 7, 4)), // Year
Value(Mid(x.OriginalEndDate, 4, 2)), // Month
Value(Left(x.OriginalEndDate, 2)) // Day
'Month and Year': x.'Month and Year'
// If the record exists, update the existing one using ThisRecord directly
'FTE Draft Data',
LookUp('FTE Draft Data', ID = x.rowno), // Update the current item in the gallery
'Budget Code': x.'Budget Code', // Refer to combo box selection
'FTE(%)': x.'FTE(%)',
OriginalEndDate: If(
IsBlank(x.OriginalEndDate) || Len(x.OriginalEndDate) <> 10,
Blank(), // Leave blank if the date format is incorrect
Value(Mid(x.OriginalEndDate, 7, 4)), // Year
Value(Mid(x.OriginalEndDate, 4, 2)), // Month
Value(Left(x.OriginalEndDate, 2)) // Day
Refresh('FTE Draft Data');
ClearCollect(FTECollection, 'FTE Draft Data');
// Show success notification after the patch operations
Notify("Records Saved to Draft Successfully", NotificationType.Success, 3000);
Set(vboolflag, true);
please guide me how to fix it.