I am trying to use the ComputerVisionAPI.OCRTextV2 connector, but I can't find a way to put the proper parameters, I always get the same error, even if I add an image taken from the camera control, I have searched for connector information on the net, but I can't find any useful information, your help please
Before trying with an image from a web address, I already tried with an image obtained from a camera and then from the image upload control, however I still get the same message.
"Invalid argument type (Image). Expecting a UntypedObject value instead.", the image is supposed to be in the correct format already.
The ComputerVisionAPI.OCRTextV2 function expects an image in a special format, but you're giving it text (a URL), which it doesn't understand.
Can you try giving it the actual image (not just a link)? If you're using a camera or an uploaded file, pass the image object instead of a text URL.
For example if you're using a camera
Image: CameraControl.Photo, // Use the image captured by the camera
Language: "en", // Language for text
DetectOrientation: true // Automatically detect text orientation
If you have a file or image try to use a method to upload or directly reference the binary data of the image (check how you’re storing or uploading the image).
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