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Create multiple entries in SP list via power apps, referencing entries in 2nd List

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Hi Guys,

Hope you can help me out here, i have two Sharepoint online lists, Training Tasks and Training progress. The Training Tasks  list acts as a repository for all tasks to be performed for a specific machine, which is selectable from a choice dropdown as well as other options such as a timeline in days as to when the task is to be completed by and the area of a building in which the machine is stored in, the machines are grouped by the area location in the list. So for example it would have all 20 tasks that would need to be completed on the Cola01 machine in the soft drinks location within 30 days. There are maybe 8 machines and 4 locations, as well as 30, 60 90 365 day task milestones that tasks need to be completed by

The second list
Here I capture who the engineer is that’s performed the tasks and a second engineer that’s verified the work. This list has a link per task to the 1st list (so as not to have to duplicate the task descriptions and detail). The tasks are allocated to the engineer via the manager.

At the min I have the tasks in list one updated as a once of exercise, and list two has some test data in there where I've allocated jobs to test engineers, and they completed the work etc - all ok

Then I created a power app which via a gallery displays all the tasks in their various states that’s been allocated to the engineer. E.g. Eng 01 has 3 "Not Started tasks" 6 in progress and 10 completed tasks. When he has all tasks completed in all location n and machines he is seen as qualified or competent to work on all machines sin all locations.

Where I’m struggling and can’t figure out is: if i want the engineer to work on machine cola01 in the soft drinks group and complete all 20 x of the 30 day tasks, I can assign him one task at a time, but I want to be able to assign him the 20 tasks in one go on the Training progress list. Assign them all with a status of "Not started" and use the day I assigned him the task as day 1 and have the due date show as 30 days from now.

I hope this all makes sense and that I’ve explained it well enough for someone of you guys that’s way more tuned in to this kinda stuff that me to let me know how to complete this project. I was hoping to keep everything within the app (as opposed to linking it to power automate to execute the solution) although id take that if it was my only solution. I’d love to better understand the patch function at that seems like it can do what I need but I don’t know enough as I’m picking up bits here and there myself, self-taught.

Thanks for any help you all can shine on this for me.
  • CU07010116-0 Profile Picture
    CU07010116-0 14 on at
    Create multiple entries in SP list via power apps, referencing entries in 2nd List
    Try rebooting the computer it very well could be a software glitch.  Are you using the windows 10 version or if you are using version 7 it is outdated. 
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 144,609 on at
    Create multiple entries in SP list via power apps, referencing entries in 2nd List
    I am not sure how to respond to all of that other than to say it seems possible to do it all in Power Apps. I am happy to assist with a particular issue you have when you hit a roadblock, but I need the code you have attempted, which will generally give all the control, data source and field names and some clue on the direction you are heading.
  • CU01011518-0 Profile Picture
    CU01011518-0 2 on at
    Create multiple entries in SP list via power apps, referencing entries in 2nd List
    Hi WarrenBelz,
    I have nothing fancy at the min, the power app side is using a form linked to the "Training Progress" Sharepoint list. As i said in this list I have a lookup column to the "Training Tasks" list that houses all the tasks. So in the form on the app i can search a user, fill out the fields as normal and i can assign them a task. If i want to assign him the 20 x tasks i need him to complete for the Cola01 machine then i have to do this 20 x times. 
    As i said i would love to be able to assign all the tasks to the user based on how there grouped ( soft drink location has multiple machines inside it). So i assign him "Soft Drink Location" and he gets assigned all the machine tasks in that location.
    Again hope that makes sense
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 144,609 on at
    Create multiple entries in SP list via power apps, referencing entries in 2nd List
    Hi @CU01011518-0​​​​​​​
    Please share all the relevant code you have attempted (in Text), including where you are using it, the result and the desired outcome.

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