This webinar covers a real world scenario of how a business solution built using InfoPath Designer can easily and successfully be rebuilt and enhanced in PowerApps.
The demo includes showing the ‘behind-the-scenes’ i.e. how the app has been built.
• Demonstrate the InfoPath Designer form then demonstrate its replacement in PowerApps
• The PowerApps demo includes using Radio buttons that update SharePoint List items and cascading dropdowns.
• Finally, using this demo emphasize how PowerAps can update two SharePoint lists using the same app, something InfoPath Designer cannot do.
When 4/25/2017 10:00 AM
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When I click on the link it takes me to You Tube but says it is tomorrow from 7-8pm? is that correct or is it at 10am?
Hi HansKristiansen,
Thanks for sharing the information with us.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao