Hello everyone,
I am trying to create an app that will detect college football logos. I create a simple CDS database with a couple teams and their current stats for 2019. I have the AI object detector working fine, however in my app I want to only display the team stats that was detected. When I created a label based on the object detector I find that I only have a few options to display (count, display etc), not data in the CDS table that is connected to the respective team. When I used a gallery, I could not find a way to filter out the other teams that were not detected.
Thank you so much for any help,
Hi @HSheild , @Anonymous
HSeild is right when advising to use the filtering/lookup functions.
If you want to display teams that have been detected, you should apply a filter on the detected objects and then on your entity.
As the ObjectDetector control outputs a table of records containing id, label and count, I would recommend you to:
1. Filter records that have a count greater than 0.
2. Apply a filter based on teams retrieved in step 1, on your entity.
Assuming your control is name "ObjectDetector1" in your app, you should use the following formula to filter detected teams:
Assuming that your football team entity is named 'CollegeFootballTeam' and it contains a column 'team_name' that is the name of the team.
Then you can combine the output of this formula with another Filter function which would look like the following:
Hi @Anonymous ,
As you say AI Builder only returns the label text and the number of times the object appears. What you will have to do is use the Lookup function in your PowerApp to take the label returned by AI Builder and find the CDS record that contains the team's data.
Something like
LookUp( CollegeFootballTeam, Name= "<label returned from AI Builder>")