I have attempted many different formulas for adding a date/timestamp with username or email of person who created the entry before each entry of a log column which uses a Rich Text Editor field. I've tried many different syntax of Patch, UpdateContext, Date, DateAdd, etc. Nothing works. Can Rich Text Editor not have date/timestamp added? I've viewed many YT videos and blog entries here in the community of how to do this, but have yet to be successful within my app. Not using a basic text box or label. Using a Rich Text Editor field.
How can I add a date/time stamp? Below is my powerapps information:
Location - EditForm1>Log DataCard>RichTextEditor1.
RichTextEditor1: Default set to - ThisItem.'Log" - Log pulling data from SP list column
Submit Button: OnSelect set to - (see below)
Patch("List", BrowseGallery1.Selected, {'Log': User().Email & ":" & Char(10) & Char(10) & Text(Now(), "[$-en-US]m/d/yy" & RichTextEditor1.HtmlText & Char(10) & Char(10) & BrowseGallery1.Selected.'Log'});
No errors occur when using this, however, it does not produce the desired results.
What am I doing wrong? Am I placing this in the wrong location? Instead of on the submit button, maybe somewhere else? Or should I use a different function?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.