Hi guys,
I've 2 dropdowns in a app.
The Dropdown1 have a collection with all departments.
The Dropdown2 have a collection with all employees.
Right now, in the gallery, i get the result if i choose the department and person, the problem is when i choose the department, the dropdown2 shows all the persons in the sharepoint and not only the people in the department.
I inserted this formula, but didn't work:
Filter(CollectOwner, Dropdown7.Selected.Result)
Can u help me?
Great! Have a good day.
It's solved. I modify the collections.
I doesn't work.
The collection CollectOwner only have the information of the owners, not the deparment. The department is in another collection called CollectVideo.
So:, the dropdown1 is with the collection CollectVideo
The dropdown2 with the collection CollectOwner
Are the employee records linked to the department they're in?
If so, you need to adjust the Filter code you have there (I don't know your schema so this is just guesswork):
in the Items of your dropdown 2 have something like: Filter(CollectOwner, EmployeeDepartment = Dropdown7.Selected.Result)
That should dynamically filter dropdown2 based on the department you select in dropdown1.
Where EmployeeDepartment is whatever you call that particular field in the employee data.