I created a chatbot in MS Teams. I need it to send an e-mail to the IT service desk to create an account for the user.
The inputs are user ID, Name, Location and user's E-mail. However, the recipient is the IT service desk and it is not saved as a variable. Is this a problem? For the testing phase, I used my e-mail as a recipient to see if the e-mail will be sent. And it worked. But if I put another user's e-mail (who has access to the chatbot) as a recipient, they will not get any e-mail when triggering the flow.
After the e-mail is sent to the IT desk, I want the user to receive an e-mail that the request is sent from their behalf [ From (Sent as) ].
However, I get the following error: You don’t have permissions to send emails on behalf of the specified sending account. Contact the account owner to check shared mailbox permissions and gain access.
I tried to look into it and I did not really understand what is the problem. The bot sends an e-mail on behalf of the user it is chatting with. So why the user has no permission for an e-mail to be sent "theoretically" by them?
Sorry for the large message. I would very much appreciate any answer to this matter!
Thanks a lot!
Thanks for the answers above. What's the Jan 2022 update about? since now is Jan 2023, I guess we can have a way to send email on behalf of a user? or when the user is chatting with the PVA bot, he/she can send email with his/her email address? how can I set it up to do so? Thanks a lot.
Hi @Anonymous ,
You can add any email to the "to" property.
But in the "Send As" if you are passing "renatoromao@ms.com.br", your Flow/Action Owner connection to "Send an email" action, needs to have permissions in that account.
My recommendation is to leave this field (send as) blank at the moment before the Jan 2022 update.
Hi Renato,
Thanks a lot for your quick response 🙂
So let's say that I cannot add a user's e-mail to From (Sent as). But can I add any e-mail to the to: part?
If the recipient is anyone else but me, the e-mail is not sent.
Thank you!!!
Hi @Anonymous ,
Today, it's only possible to run the flow in the Flow/Connector Owner context and not in the current user context.
What does it mean?
In your "Send an email" action, you need to use an account that has global permissions to send email as someone in your company. (you can change the account in the ellipses)
Microsoft 365 How to Send Email As Another Email User - YouTube
Or, you can wait until January 2022: Run flow connectors as the user | Microsoft Docs