I created a table, and i have a container popup with embeded Tablist, i would like to set the visible property to always show TabValue 1 first (site information), does anyone know what the formula for the visible property would be?
{Location:"Site Information",TabValue:1},
{Location:"Contact Information",TabValue:2},
{Location:"Modality Information",TabValue:3})
would also like to set the default form display to few if possible
attached screenshot for tablist
This works. thank you
I found another work around using collections, if you are still looking for solutions or alternate ways to do this. Similar to using the radio, but instead using a collection, I have responded to another thread, you can see more details below;
Again unfortunately not a direct way and hopefully they will fix this issue, in the meantime I hope this helps
@f2 -- Found a workaround for this tab list not resetting to the default:
I am resetting the variable for radio default in the screen OnVisible as my scenario is user selects record on screen 1, and on screen 2 the tab list should always default to the same value.
Hope the modern controls are updated ASAP to have basic properties to edit (font, colors, reset, default, etc.)!
Did you ever get this resolved? I'm currently stuck with the same thing. Cant seem to make tab1 the default and unable to figure out how to use buttons to navigate either to tab1 or navigate through the tabs.
I've almost finished my most ambitious app yet (well ambitious for me lol) and thought I would figure that out at the end, I'm now thinking I might need to re-do the whole thing using the old style controls.
so frustrating, still doesnt work, tried the visible property but no luck, then tried a button to set variable and add varRecord in the defaulselecteditems, but nothing will work, it still sticks to the last selection you choose,
might just stick with normal tabs, tablists are too dam frustrating
Hi @vandam2
You can resolve this by setting the OnVisible property to this:
{Location:"Site Information",TabValue:1}
You would then set the DefaultSelectedItems property of the tablist control to varRecord.
it allows me to apply the default but when i select another tab, then leave teh screen and go back in it doesnt default back to Site Information, is there a way to set the tabvalue with visible property to default to tab1?
To do this, you'd set the DefaultSelectedItems property of the tab list control to this:
{Location:"Site Information",TabValue:1}