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can i set() on forall() or not ?

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hi i'm beginner for powerapp  trying to check condition in toggle input  by forall () in collection that keep toggle input like 
UpdateContext({check_result: true});
        {dt: tg_open.Checked},
        {dt: tg_close.Checked},
        {dt: tg_dis.Checked},
        {dt: tg_bt.Checked},
        {dt: tg_fn.Checked},
        {dt: tg_tp.Checked}
        ThisRecord.dt = false,
        UpdateContext({check_result: false}) // it call cannot invoke on this function 

  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,445 on at
    can i set() on forall() or not ?
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  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,445 on at
    can i set() on forall() or not ?
    Firstly, what @SudeepGhatakNZ has posted will work fine - another shorter version would be to set check_result directly so it will be true if all are checked, otherwise false.
          tg_open.Checked && tg_close.Checked && tg_dis.Checked && tg_bt.Checked && tg_fn.Checked && tg_tp.Checked
  • Suggested answer
    SudeepGhatakNZ Profile Picture
    SudeepGhatakNZ 14,231 on at
    can i set() on forall() or not ?
    The ForAll() function is not designed to return results directly in the same way a loop would in a traditional programming language. 
    Specifically, it doesn't allow you to modify the context or variables inside it in the way you're trying to do with. Try the following:
    // Initialize the context variable to true first
    UpdateContext({check_result: true});
    // Collect all the toggle values into a collection
            {dt: tg_open.Checked},
            {dt: tg_close.Checked},
            {dt: tg_dis.Checked},
            {dt: tg_bt.Checked},
            {dt: tg_fn.Checked},
            {dt: tg_tp.Checked}
    // Check if any of the values in the collection are false
        !IsBlank(LookUp(ck_val, dt = false)),
        UpdateContext({check_result: false})

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