I tried to create a case in Dataverse from e-mail alert.
I'm facing an issue with this error message Resource not found for the segment 'Case Types'
After I read some similar issues on this forum, I tried Case Type (Case Types) field with
Service Operations
Case Types(Service Operations)
Case Type(Service Operations)
msdyn_casetype(Service Operations)
None of them works for me.
Please find the attached files for screenshots
Thanks in advance
That's a strange rule, but it works. I've been trying with <entity name>("guid"). *Remove parentheses and double quotations. I never thought it would have to be plural
although i never tried with the subject entity, the format is <entity schema name plural>(“guid”) so:
@EricRegnier I don't have any subject under Subjects. In fact, I already know the GUID of Case Type. I'm not sure how to apply it on the Power Automate
My bad, I thought it was a optionset field, but the OOTB field is a lookup to Subject which is a bit tricky as you can't access via Advanced Find nor make.powerapps.com data.
In make.powerapps.com, click "Advanced settings" on the top right gear icon --> Service Management --> Subjects
Hit F12 to open the developer tools go to the subject element and you'll see the GUID:
Also, in your flow action set the update statement to subjects('<guid>')
@EricRegnier How do I get the integer value? I put the GUID of Case Type directory and still failed. Please see the attached file
Hi @sjin, when setting a choice/optionset field in a Power Automate flow, you'll need to set the value of the optionset item which is an integer value instead of the label. Hope this helps...