Hi all,
How can set up refresh or start app again when click on Dashboard screen?
@kinghnvn - I have discovered why the replace browser tab was not working for me. The code should be changed to the following i.e. replace the "" with {} as follows:
Launch("your_app_URL", {}, LaunchTarget.Replace)
This also allows you to remove the exit function.
Hi @kinghnvn
You can add this to the 'OnSelect' property of your chosen control, which will restart the app for the user:
Launch("https://apps.powerapps.com/your_app_URL", "", LaunchTarget.Replace);
LaunchTartget.Replace is supposed to replace the current browser tab you are on, but it wasn't working for me, it was just loading the app in a new tab and navigating to that new instance of your app, with the original one still there - so to close the loop, I have added the exit function, which returns the old browser tab back to the Office 365 home page.
Hope this helps in some way - Good luck!