Hi, I'm using a custom table for AI Builder Prediction, but after processing the model, the results shows me table id as most predictive values. So my question is this field is being included in ML process and how i can remove it, because i can't unselected it from columns selection option when edit the model.
My table name is Interesados(new_interesados) and column that should not be there is new_interesadosid --> this is the internal guid of the table.
Any ideas? The first screenshot is the total of columns (12), 6 are comming from main entity. The second one shows no id column selected.
It's not available to uncheck.
This is a Dynamics CRM entity id field which is publisher_entitynameid, in this case this entity is using the default publisher
Yes @couchiman ,
you can remove this ID field when you're selecting data. You can click Edit model in the top tool bar, then when your're at select columns stage, expand your entity and uncheck the ID column. It will then tell the model not to include it in training.