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Load Topics (batch load) - with Trigger Phrases + Message

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I need to bulk /batch load my PVA Topics from an external file, otherwise I have to build a lot of content 'by hand'. I have an existing excel repository of 400-500+ Topics with each row containing: (1) Topic, (2) Question (trigger phrase 1) and (3) Message response. It's essential for me to be able to build our new PVA quickly; that I can bulk /batch load these Topics /entries from an excel (or other) file.

Thanks for any information on this!

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,839 on at
    Re: Load Topics (batch load) - with Trigger Phrases + Message

    An anonymous share link shares a file to a specific email address, it doesn't share the page.  You also need to input a code when you open the anonymous share link.  It doesn't require traditional authentication, but its not anonymous authentication either.

  • peterswimm Profile Picture
    peterswimm on at
    Re: Load Topics (batch load) - with Trigger Phrases + Message

    Even with the anonymous share link?

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,839 on at
    Re: Load Topics (batch load) - with Trigger Phrases + Message

    Unless its on-premises there is no such thing as a public SharePoint page anymore.  All SharePoint online pages require login.

  • KyleCrawford Profile Picture
    KyleCrawford 19 on at
    Re: Load Topics (batch load) - with Trigger Phrases + Message

    I dropped it in a google docs page, and that did not work - it picked up on the structure of the docs page itself and not the content. So then I figured out I could create a google sites page (apologies to those at MS - LMK how to do the same in MS?). My prior '3-column Word content' was then pivoted to row-based (see sample below) when I pasted in Sites (likely the better format for import - doh!), and it WORKED!! I was very excited to see my sample of 33 suggestions I could approve and set as new Topics! #Winning

    Thank you!!

    Example: In the below example the Question was used for the Topic Name and also the Trigger phrase, and the Response Message was used for the Message. The suggestion utility just seemed to ignore my Topic title. This is fine, and I am very happy with this result! So lesson - just list as line 1 question, line 2 answer, and then a blank line (or maybe none). I'd suggest to anyone to try 1-3 dozen of these and then ensure you're topics are working well after you have turned them on. You have to (1) move them to topics and (2) turn them on - before they will work in your CB.
    ABC Topic Name

    What color of golf ball is best to use in the Fall?

    Most golfers prefer to use a yellow or orange neon golf ball in the Fall due to the leaves and extras debris on the course. However typically more golf balls are lost despite the color. 


  • KyleCrawford Profile Picture
    KyleCrawford 19 on at
    Re: Load Topics (batch load) - with Trigger Phrases + Message

    Thank you - that's what I figured. I'll look at my SP page and see if I can make it public. 


  • Verified answer
    Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,839 on at
    Re: Load Topics (batch load) - with Trigger Phrases + Message

    SharePoint sites are by definition NOT anonymous access.  This has to be on a publicly accessible page, at least temporarily.

  • peterswimm Profile Picture
    peterswimm on at
    Re: Load Topics (batch load) - with Trigger Phrases + Message

    It needs to be a public sharepoint page, is that one accessible without login? That's the "anonymous" bit.

  • KyleCrawford Profile Picture
    KyleCrawford 19 on at
    Re: Load Topics (batch load) - with Trigger Phrases + Message

    I took my excel content, pasted special as HTML in Word, then copied that, pasted as text and published to a Sharepoint page that does have "https://" but I am getting the error message below. Any ideas on how to get the suggest topics to work on this. Could it be that PVA does not have access to this page? You say above "... that can be accessed anonymously" - so I am thinking this is my issue. 




  • Verified answer
    Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,839 on at
    Re: Load Topics (batch load) - with Trigger Phrases + Message

    Assuming you can temporarily add the excel file to a web site that can be accessed anonymously the easiest way to do this would be to use the Suggested Topics feature in PVA.  Take a look at the video walkthrough here for how to do it.  Get topic suggestions from online content (contains video) - Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Learn

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