Hello, I could use some help answering a key question my company needs to answer to help determine if a PVA will suit our needs.
We have an external facing public website where we would like to publish a bot. However, we do not want the bot to be enabled and visible to all site visitors. We only want the bot to be visible to a security group of internal employees.
I was unable to determine if this is possible while reading through documentation. Would anyone be able to help answer this question?
Thanks so much!
Hey there @CloudyRed,
I do not believe there are any existing ways to only display the bot to a subset of users on our side, outside of simply having two versions of a page and loading one based on the user's logged in status, or perhaps putting in an element on your side that tests the users identity and creates the bot's iframe on the page if it's an internal employee.
However, we do have User Authentication, so even if one of those solutions does not work for your use case, we can make sure that only the proper users are able to access important info.
Hope that helps!
Thank you for using Microsoft Power Platform Communities!
Bryn Baker
Support Engineer
Microsoft Power Platform
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