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text-to-speech functionality in Power Virtual Agent

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Want to Enable text to speech Functionality for my bot in which i give him a text and it convert into voice message 


it is not working Rightnow can someone please suggest how should i accomplish my desire output.

  • HenryJammes Profile Picture
    HenryJammes on at
    Re: text-to-speech functionality in Power Virtual Agent

    Hi @ArhamMalik81,


    I see, thank you for the extra details. The SSML tags are only interpreted over a voice channel (i.e. when you call the chatbot over the telephone, for example with AudioCodes VoiceAI Connect).


    It appears that what you're looking for is a chat web client that has speech-to-text and text-to-speech capabilities., i.e. a button to input text using voice, like

    This isn't supported natively today.


    To achieve this, you would need to develop this over a custom web chat canvas, but that requires professional development skills, and likely services to handle the speech-to-text and text-to-speech.


    I suggest you also submit a feature request for this here:







  • ArhamMalik81 Profile Picture
    ArhamMalik81 22 on at
    Re: text-to-speech functionality in Power Virtual Agent

    I suppose that by using SSML tag it will convert the Text into Speech and I get that message as a voice message with text.. but it is not working..


  • ArhamMalik81 Profile Picture
    ArhamMalik81 22 on at
    Re: text-to-speech functionality in Power Virtual Agent

    Simply What I want is if I give a "Send Message " or "Ask Question" in my topic by using "Speech" it convert that message into voice message with text when i test my this thing possible in any way in PVA?..            My Business Scenario is "Patient Check-in through Chatbot in clinic"  for example as a user I ask "Want an Appointment" so it replies through voice message  "With Which Doctor"..I also used "creative generative answer" and gave my bot some websites by which it produced Answers using AI, I want these Answers from bot in Speech form.. so is it possible to do this in my desire way?. just like in which it Receives Voice message and give the answer in text with a voice message of that text..i want it 100% similar to it possible with PVA?


  • HenryJammes Profile Picture
    HenryJammes on at
    Re: text-to-speech functionality in Power Virtual Agent

    Hi @ArhamMalik81,


    Can you clarify what you're trying to achieve and where you're deploying your chatbot?

    How are you connecting your chatbot to a voice-enabled channel?

    Are you using AudioCodes VoiceAI Connect?

    Are you saying your SSML tags are not working?



  • ArhamMalik81 Profile Picture
    ArhamMalik81 22 on at
    Re: text-to-speech functionality in Power Virtual Agent

    Does anyone know about this??


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