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Flow to write to Databricks works from Power Automate but not from Power Apps.

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Hi all!

I've created a flow in Power Automate to insert data into a Databricks table using the HTTP connector.
I should mention that I don't have a Power Apps Premium license.
From Power Automate, the insertion works, but when I integrate the flow into Power Apps, the insertion doesn't work. This is the code I pass to Power Apps:
Set(response, Flow_1301.Run( 
    Value(TextInput1.Text),  // id
    TextInput1_1.Text,       // name
    TextInput1_2.Text,       // description
    Value(TextInput1_3.Text),// price
    Value(TextInput1_4.Text),// quantity
    DatePicker1.SelectedDate // creation_date
// Show the response received
    "Response: " & Text(response.status) & " - " & Text(response.message), 
// Check the response and show the result
    response.status = "Success", 
    Notify("insertion_ok", NotificationType.Success),
    Notify("insertion_ko: " & response.message, NotificationType.Error)
The flow works from Power Automate, and the notification I receive from Power Apps is "insertion ok", but through Power Apps, the insertion doesn't happen.
What could be the cause of this?
  • FLMike Profile Picture
    FLMike 31,580 on at
    Flow to write to Databricks works from Power Automate but not from Power Apps.
    We need to see a flow that you called from the Canvas App, what was the error, what actions worked and which ones failed.
    Bring in pictures, validate exactly what you typed in the actions etc, and what you saw coming in, versus when you just test from Power Automate.
    So from the Apps side, nothing I can say as it looks just fine "as it relates to calling a Power Automate from a canvas app", its all on the PA side that we need to see a run, and what that run did and how it failed etc.

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