Hello everyone, we generated a power app from sharepoint list, what we need is to filter the app search drop down, so the only options visible will be the ones that contain the property "adjudicado" (awarded) in the SP column
At ths moment, the Dropdown displays all the options in the list without any filter
How do we do to change the scroll behavior?
Additionlly, is it posible to make the scroll to search for every key word? so the searching process will be easier.
Right now the drop down bar just searches for the first key letters from the options
Hi @Anonymous ,
Sorry for the late replay - you can use the In statement, but this is not delegable (Selected value In Target field) . If you have less than 2000 records, you can collect the target and this will work.
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@WarrenBelz sure, the 2nd question is how to change the scroll behavior, so you can search for any key word. The scroll just looks for the first letter of each option now
Hi @Anonymous ,
When you refer to "Search Scroll", are you referring to the drop down value you are selecting from?
If so, the then Items property just needs to be filtered to show the item you want
<List Field> = adjudicado"
"<Display Field>"
Substitute your list and field names for the ones in <> brackets.
Can you please explain a bit more your second question.