I am currently working on a simple request form which I dissected in three parts. First form is the client info, second is request details then third is selection of approvers. But on the last page would be a preview of the data input from the previous forms. Is it possible to pass these values from the three forms to the preview page? Hopefully someone can show me how. Or is there another way?
Thank you in advance,
Hi @Nogueira1306 ,
Your second suggestion worked! It was exactly what I wanted.
Thank you very much!
You can try using: Form1.LastSubmit.NameOfTheField
If you want, you can set that value in a var and after that use it on the preview page.
That formula only works if you submited the form before goint to the preview change.
If you dont want to submit before, you can always set the var on OnChangeProeprty of the datacard OR use
in the preview page
If you need additional help please tag me in your reply and please like my reply.
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Best regards,
Gonçalo Nogueira
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