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Topic input variable autofill at dynamic chaining: datetime entity error

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list the events on the business calendar starting at 5th April 2024 7PM GMT


Provided value of type StringDataType for variable timeMin does not match the expected type of DateTimeDataType in Dialog cree4_editoReviewDev6.topic.GoogleCalendar-Listtheeventsonacalendarv2 Error code: MissingOrInvalidVariableAssignment. Conversation ID: cea71590-dfd0-4fab-a5af-236d9bade185. Time (UTC): 4/2/2024 10:29:53 PM.


For a simple topic which ask a question to fill a datetime variable of the topic which is input externally.


There is no problem with string entity input variables.


copilot studio bug datatime entity dynamic chaining 2 Capture.PNGcopilot studio bug datatime entity dynamic chaining 1 Capture.PNG


  • simondoy Profile Picture
    simondoy 32 on at
    Re: Topic input variable autofill at dynamic chaining: datetime entity error


    I believe I understand your issue. The problem is that the date time format that is passed through into your dynamic chaining plugin is not of the right format.

    Have a read of this blog post that I wrote to describe how I resolved the issue of getting the dynamic chaining functionality in Copilot Studio using a better plugin parameter description.


    Working with Copilot Studio Dynamic Chaining Plug-in Actions DateTime Parameters | Doy's Microsoft 365 and Azure Dev Blog (


    Hope that helps


  • OOO1337777 Profile Picture
    OOO1337777 37 on at
    Re: Topic input variable autofill at dynamic chaining: datetime entity error

    You completely misunderstood the problem... Here is the problem:


    if you type the prompt which dynamically trigger the topic while giving the date and time in advance:

     list the events on the business calendar starting at 5th April 2024 7PM GMT


    You get this error, as long as your receiving variable is a datetime entity instead of string entity:

    Provided value of type StringDataType for variable timeMin does not match the expected type of DateTimeDataType in Dialog cree4_editoReviewDev6.topic.GoogleCalendar-Listtheeventsonacalendarv2 Error code: MissingOrInvalidVariableAssignment. Conversation ID: cea71590-dfd0-4fab-a5af-236d9bade185. Time (UTC): 4/2/2024 10:29:53 PM.

  • Expiscornovus Profile Picture
    Expiscornovus 31,081 on at
    Re: Topic input variable autofill at dynamic chaining: datetime entity error

    Hi @OOO1337777,


    Don't know if it helps, but in a Power Automate cloud flow you can convert your string to a datetime value via a parsedatetime function.


    parseDateTime(triggerBody()['text'], 'en-us', 'd/M/yyyy hh:mm tt')




    Also used Text function in Power Fx to be able to map it to the text input of the Power Automate cloud flow.



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