Hi all,
Great to find this community here - and I truly hope someone can help me with my issue...
You see, I am a newby to PowerApps and just created my first one which will consist of a read-only screen for data coming from an Azure SQL Server View and a Data Input screen which is supposed to connect to a table within the same Azure SQL Server database.
So as this is my first PowerApp, I created it using the "Start with Data" option and selected the SQL Server Connector to link to my database. Everything worked fine and I could select the intended SQL view for the main screen when defining my connection.
However, now that I am creating the editing screen, I would like to use the same connection to connect to the intended table. Unfortunately, I cannot manage to get to the point where the database objects (i. e., tables and views) get listed so that I could pick the desired table. It looks as if the PowerApp is only aware of this one view I picked when starting from scratch...
What am I doing wrong?! - Have tried all sorts of places: the listing of the data connections, the field selection and data property panes inside the PowerApps Maker, everything...
I am afraid I just don't get it... 😥 - Please help!
Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
The most common issue working with the SQL connector is that in order to write data to a SQL database the table has to contain a Primary Key that was defined as an autopopulated Identity column. Check to make sure that the table you want to edit has that identity column.