I currently have a SharePoint list that displays a list of training tasks called "Training Matrix". The name of each task is in a column titled "Task". Each task has certain job codes within the work center that require training on that specific task. I have this annotated in a column titled "JobCodes" which is a multi-selection choice input (some tasks require 1 job code, some tasks require job codes). Furthermore, each task is encompassed in 1 of 3 categories. This is captured in the list by a column titled "TrainingParentCategory". This column is a short-text input that will reflect either Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 as the categories.
In Power Apps, I'm building a form where personnel can submit a newly scheduled training event that will satisfy the training tasks. When the submitter adds a new training event, I want them to identify the category first, then identify the training tasks that fall under that category, and then display the job codes that require that training.
I'm attempting to do this via the use of 2 list boxes and a text label.
The first list box labeled "TierCategory" allows for the selection of the category. In the items construct, the formula I'm using is:
["Tier 1","Tier 2","Tier 3"]
The second list box labeled "TrainingTasks" filters the SharePoint list to display tasks whose category reflects what was selected from the first list box. The formula I'm using is:
Filter('Training Matrix', TrainingParentCategory = First(TierCategory.SelectedItems).Value).Task
Once, the task is selected, I'm wanting the selected job codes to populate in a text label. The current formula I'm using is:
Concat(Filter('Training Matrix', Task = First(TrainingTasks.SelectedItems).Task).JobCodes, ", ")
The first 2 list boxes function as intended. The issue I'm having is the job codes do not display. Using the above formula, the text label is only displaying the comma and no job codes.
Any assistance is appreciated!