Hello all,
I have trained a custom form processing model & using the same in the below provided screenshot for Canvas app.
I don't want my user to upload the pdfs manually, instead, I want to give files stored on SharePoint as input to custom form processing model. Is there any way to do so ? I'm not able to find any option to give file path, instead there is an 'Analyze' button that allows user to upload the files manually.
I'm very new to PowerApps!
Any suggestion would be of great help!
I'm looking for the same suggestion, please can anyone help me out of this
Let me try to rephrase your ask.
You have Forms in SharePoint and want to process those files to extract data.
If the ultimate goal is to import in a system or generate some offline output, the best option is to use Power Automate.
1. You will use a SharePoint connectors that will trigger when a file is added or a manual trigger that will list and process all the files in the folder
2. You will call the Form Processing action https://docs.microsoft.com/ai-builder/form-processing-model-in-flow
3. You will do some logic to generate the output / import to a system using one of the connectors
If the goal is to show extracted fields in an app, you could
1. Create a connection to your SharePoint folder https://docs.microsoft.com/connectors/sharepointonline/ in the Power App
2. Insert a Gallery control that will list all the files in the Folder https://docs.microsoft.com/power-apps/maker/canvas-apps/controls/control-gallery
3. When the user clicks on the details, call the Form Processing model on the file with the formula bar https://docs.microsoft.com/ai-builder/powerfx-in-powerapps and display results in Text controls.