I have this Radio Button and is connected directly to SP based of Column that has Choice Type. And I want the Radio Button to change the value of the Combo Box (Also connected in the same SP as Radio Button) every time that a value is selected on Radio Button.
in Radio Button (JSCRD):
Items = Choices([@AdminCustody].JobSiteCategory)
in Combo Box:
Items = Filter('AdminCustody', JobSiteCategory = JSCRD.Selected, Jobsite)
Basically, I want Jobsite to List all of its items(Choice) whenever JobsiteCategory is changed.
I don't know if this is the right answer as I am fairly new on this. so I'm Sorry if it's confusing. I would be happy to assist you on your questions about my question.
Thank you very much. I don't know how I can express my gratitude but thank you.
Hi, Sorry I forgot to include in the Question that the ComboBox(Jobsite)Value is also a Choice Type.
Now this happens. What should I do?