I have a Power App with various rectangles that I used as backgrounds for table headers and in other parts of the app. Suddenly, they started glitching, and now the fill color doesn't cover the entire width of the rectangles. If I try to delete one of the rectangles and add a new one, the issue persists, so I can't resolve it. I also tried changing the width, but the unfilled space moves instead of being fixed. If I change the width of the rectangle, the space that is invisible instead of being colored moves with the width and doesn't vary, always leaving an unfilled space, making it look like the rectangle has less width. This doesn't happen with all rectangles, and in each one, the unfilled space varies. It also happens in galleries, where if there are, for example, 8 items and I have a rectangle to differentiate one entry from another, in 6 the width fills the screen, but in the other 2, part of it remains unfilled.