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Problem setting up SSO for Teams

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I have followed all the instructions for setting up SSO for Teams in the PVA bot, but I get this "Hello! To be able to help you, I'll need you to sign in." all the time.


Aside from the app registration, is there anything else I need to do?



  • Thess0104 Profile Picture
    Thess0104 7 on at
    Re: Problem setting up SSO for Teams

    I am also experiencing this exact same issue.

    Researched all I can - nothing seems to help!
    Any one solved this?

  • jdee111 Profile Picture
    jdee111 71 on at
    Re: Problem setting up SSO for Teams


    This is all I get....

  • jdee111 Profile Picture
    jdee111 71 on at
    Re: Problem setting up SSO for Teams

     It doesn't error, but it doesn't do anything else either.. I created a new bot in the new environment and set up the app registration exactly the same, and that all works! But for this... nope!! I'd really rather not re-create the whole bot again, if at all possible, but this is driving me potty!!!

  • jdee111 Profile Picture
    jdee111 71 on at
    Re: Problem setting up SSO for Teams

    OK, adding more to this 🙂 ... the PVA bot was originally created as a PVA for Teams bot, then upgraded to full PVA.  It was decided that more channels were needed, so I tried to switch the Manual authentication on... but all the other channels were still greyed out, I wondered if this was perhaps due to it's origins.  So, a new environment was created, and I packaged everything up as a solution and deployed to the new solution... where I could then switch authentication to Manual and everything is ungreyed.  But no... the Teams auth just doesn't work.

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