I have 4 collections that all have the same Title column... one is a master list, the other 3 are I guess basically look up tables.
I would like to merge all 4 collections in one collection, with the 3 lookup tables being records in the master list based on the Title column.
I'm pretty sure this is a GroupBy function, but could be Join or Union as well? I've never been good with Joins and Unions.
I've researched quite a bit over the last couple of weeks, and can't find anything that really gives me my answer; I'm pretty much at a total loss.
Thanks in advance 🙂
I think I can do this without merging all the collections. Thanks for the help.
Master collection: traineeSummaryList
Columns Needed: Title, Training Start Date, Training End Date, Location ID, Location Name, Training Status, 14 more columns that are individual department test scores
collection #1 as record in master: Weekly Trainee Details
Columns: Title, Start Date, End Date, Training Location, Location Name, Dept Training, Trainer, Weekly Status
collection#2 as record in master: Trainee Reviews
Columns: Title, Training Week End Date, Training Department, Training Location, Trainer, JCMS Test Score, Audit Results... 16 more columns to be part of the record
collection #3 to be record in master: Trainer Reviews
Columns: Title, WE Training Date, Training Dept, Reviewer, Reviewer ID, Review Position... 22 more columns to be included
ideally the master collection would have the following columns:
Title, Training Start Date, Training End Date, Location ID, Location Name, Training Status, 14 more columns that are individual department test scores, record of Weekly Training Details, record of Trainee Reviews, record of Trainer Reviews
Hope that helps and makes sense.
There isn't a Join function in Power Apps, but you can accomplish what you after with Addcolumns and some Lookup calls. If you want to share collection and column names we can give you the code to make it work.