Can anyone please help me to understand, even if entered trigger phrase is not available in the topic, how few topics are getting triggered.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for reply Pstork1.
If the user enters a phrase into the bot that has no matches that is exactly what the bot is designed to do. It will provide several suggestions up to three times. Then it will provide the message in the Escalate topic. Take a look at this explanation in the documentation on System fallback. Use a system fallback topic - Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Docs
"During a conversation, a Power Virtual Agents bot triggers the appropriate topic based on the user's input. If the bot can't determine the user's intent, it prompts the user again. After two prompts, the bot escalates to a live agent through the system Escalate topic."
That is the default System fallback. To control that process you can add a fallback of your own.
Bot is not behaving in expected way in few scenarios.
For Example : User entered the phrase as 3051, which is not available in any topic. But still it is suggesting few topics. I am not able to get the reason behind it. Ideally it should not return any topic if the entered phrase is not available in any topic.
There is an AI that will match the entry to a topic. In general it will return what it considers the best match. If it doesn't match anything then it will make a suggestion. In the case of a Topic with "Want a Procedure" it will match on just "Procedure" based on my testing.
Hi Pstork,
1. Do you mean, to trigger the topic, user should enter the exact trigger phrase which has been added while creating a topic?
2. For example, topic has trigger phrase "want a procedure" and user just entered "procedure", topic wont get trigger but it will suggest the topics which has partial trigger phrase "procedure", is this understanding right?
When it is suggesting 2-3 topics that should be the system fallback, perhaps a default one if you haven't specified one. for the "want a procedure" topics will only be triggered if they match. But the same topic that has "want a procedure" could also have a trigger that is just "Procedure". That's part of tuning the bot after you create it using analytics to see what people are trying to trigger on. But the Bot won't trigger based on a partial phrase that isn't in the trigger.
Hi Pstork,
There are multiple topics in the chatbot which I have created. If I am entering any phrase which is not available in any topic then also bot is suggesting 2-3 topics and asking to choose the topic. Its not a fallback topic.
Also, suppose topic has "want a procedure" trigger phrase and I am entering only "procedure" for testing the bot, topic is not getting triggered.
Can you provide an example? Or do you mean that the system fallback topic is being triggered because none of the topics match the input?
Use a system fallback topic in Microsoft Teams - Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Docs