My AI Builder is now stuck for hours 'unpublishing' which prevents me from publishing a version that I have trained on more documents. Has anyone experienced that before and can tell me how I can force it to stop?
Hi Antoinec, yes it has been resolved. I've contacted MS Support. Unfortunately the solution is not easily repeatable so I can't share it here.
Hi MZ85, did you get a solution to your problem? If not let me know and we'll see how we can debug this issue. Models most definitely should never be stuck in un-publishing state.
Hi @MZ85 ,
For this kind of issue, I would suggest you submit a support ticket for further help. You will get a most effective reply from there. The support engineers there have more resources, maybe some engineers also handled these kind of issues.
(maybe you need to send your files to them so they can test on their side, and they can make sure if this issue is related to the service load issues)
Best regards,