I don't know what happened but one model in my environment suddenly can't be modified anymore. It does get below error message:
Necessary data are missing
Creating a new version or publishing this version (if not already published) is not possible. Some essential data required for editing this version has been deleted from the environment. If the model has already been published, it can still be used. Please also see attached screenshot.
Has someone ever seen this error and what could it be?
Hi @loiste ,
have you created this model inside the personal Productivity ( Default ) ? If yes,
firstly i would check inside the audit log (if you have enabled it), which deletion processes were made inside the environment. (you can filter it for easier search)
secondly as mentioned create a ticket for problem solving or create a ticket for getting a restore for the default environment so you can install it on one of your dev environments, and get the mandatory Tables out used by the ai builder modell.
IF you have not used the default environment i would also check the audit log and simply do a restore to the date the model was working.
i hope this helps, or it at least does bring you one hint closer to resolvement.
Hi Loiste,
Were you able to get this fixed?
We are building a rather large model in AI Builder for extracting data and I am very much worried on how it doesn't save progress or backup the model as we go. If something like this were to happen to our model we could lose 1,000's of hours.