I am trying to do a survey(ish) app with powerapps. I would like the user to select 1st,2nd,3rd choices (ranked) from a sharepoint list(12 items). Secondly, I would like to tie their choices to a pie chart. I am having trouble and any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Here's my suggestion on how to create the ranked choices.
#1 Create a new SharePoint list called 'MySurvey'. Then add 3 columns all with the data type single-line text.
#2 Now go to PowerApps. Add an Edit Form to your app. Use the SharePoint list you just created in the Items property
#3 Add the fields ChoiceRank1, ChoiceRank2, ChoiceRank3 to the Edit Form.
#4 Now delete the TextInput from each Card. Add in a new Dropdown control. Name it drp_ChoiceRank1.
#5 Put this code in the Items property of drp_ChoiceRank1
#6 Change the Update property of the Card for drp_ChoiceRank1 to this code
#7 Repeat steps 4-6 for drp_ChoiceRank2 and drp_ChoiceRank3
#8 Add a submit button to the form and change and set the DisplayMode property. This will have the impact of disabling the button if two of the choices are the same.
drp_ChoiceRank1.Selected.Value <> drp_ChoiceRank2.Selected.Value
And drp_ChoiceRank2.Selected.Value <> drp_ChoiceRank3.Selected.Value
And drp_ChoiceRank1.Selected.Value <> drp_ChoiceRank3.Selected.Value,
#9 Put this code in the OnSelect property of the Submit button
#10 Give your form a test run.
That seems like more than enough instructions for now. Best to wait on anything related to the pie chart until you've built the form. It will probably be a totally different question.
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