I created a trade approval process using power automate (where traders reviw trades and acknowledge). Once they acknowledge, trade file is moved from one SharePoint folder to another.
However, now I have to crate approval process in power apps, where trade information is received from sharepoint list as data table.
Once the trader acknowledges the trades (using button), the trades are moved to approval trade screen.
I am new to power apps and was wondering what would be the best place to get started. Is there a generic template for approval process ?
Hello @tanveal ,
There are multiple ways you can build this. One idea would be to use only powerapps to control the flow and notification, another idea would be to use powerapps and powerautomate to accomplish the same. The choice would really depend on the requirements.
A great starting place would be this video by Reza (definitely recommend following him ) :
I also recommend checking out his github where most of the applications that he demos are present which you can copy and customize !
Happy building !