I'm new to power automate and have been searching on Microsoft forums and googling a flow to copy all contents of a sharepoint site to a local drive and cannot find an easy straight forward answer.
Right now i have this flow and was trying to copy suggestions from other posts but cant seem to get it right. One problem i have is that when i go to insert a dynamic expression, the list comes back in portuguese, so i cant find the equivalent to "file content" in portuguese because it should be "contéudo do ficheiro" but it's not an option so i have the equivalent to "file path" right now.
So im asking for help to figure out the following:
Additionally, running the above flow gives me the following error:
The slash is inverted after the path i defined on the action. Shouldn't it be C:\PA\Avisos BNA instead of /Avisos BNA??
Thanks in advance to anyone who reads and has the time to respond, but if you do respond, treat me like a newcomer that needs prints every step of the way please 😅.
So much support its hard to choose the right answer.
Thank you to everyone on this community.
Might as well shut this down.