I added a help topic with the following trigger phrases to train users on available commands.
When this topic is enabled it no longer defaults to the fallback topic that sends to the QnA flow, which is the main purpose of using the bot. Is there an issue with using a forward slash "/"?
Could my bot be broken? I do receive error messages like the following often:
Additionally, I tend to receive inconsistent results when typing the same questions as if there is a performance limit that is stopping the return content. Could this be a licensing issue that is limiting me to certain amount of queries?
I feel as though there is an underlying issue causing several problems.
Bot ID: 6c13d10e-c2eb-4ec8-bb0f-e9bcd6c5a99d
It turns out that the question mark in my trigger phrase "/?" is a wild card and therefore was matching all results.
Aww, gotta love corp security policies... Switched to unlicensed admin account, enabled PIM roles, there it is. Bless you, @Expiscornovus.
Hi @Alphie,
It should look something like the screenshot below. What role do you have in your tenant? One of the admin roles should be sufficient:
Get Help + Support - Power Platform | Microsoft Docs
Direct link to that help + support page should be this btw:
Hi @Expiscornovus ,
Thanks for the feedback, I will rule out my "/" trigger as the issue. There is definitely something amiss with this logic.
I would love to create a support ticket, however, this is the screen receive when going to the URL you provided and clicking "Create a request". Does this look normal? If so, where do I need to go to from here to create a request?
Hi @Alphie,
As far as I am aware you are allowed to use those characters in the trigger phrases, I haven't seen any limitations on that in the docs.
I have also been able to use the same phrases in my demo environment, so might be something unrelated which is causing your issue.
Maybe you can raise a ticket with the Microsoft support team: https://powervirtualagents.microsoft.com/en-us/support