Hello - I'm attempting to add a small group of people to be editors of either my entire chat bot or for specific topics. Seems the best way to do this is through Security Groups, but I haven't been able to find how I might create one of those? Would greatly appreciate any help on granting admin / editor access to other collaborators.
Hi @crr290
Certainly the best way to manage access is through Azure security groups, if you have access to create the process is very simple, here is a step by step how to proceed:
1. Access the link https://portal.azure.com
and search for Active Directory as in the print below.
Go to the active directory and on the left side choose groups
Click on New Group
Define the name and parameters of the group, entering the owners (full access to the group) and the members.
Repeat for the other group, then go to the power platform's adm panel: https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/
Choose your enviroment
in the right corner under ACESS choose, Teams
Click on create team, and fill in the required fields.
Once you have done this you can enter the rules for each group created.
In my case we have a request where the user can request access permission in one of the access groups for the bots, I automated the insertion of the users using power automate, as soon as the request is approved the user is inserted in the security group created in ADD thus simplifying the access process.
I hope I have helped.
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Hi, if you have access to Azure AD, then you can create a security group (in portal.azure.com, look for Azure Active Directory) - and add members in - then share with that group.
If not, then you'll probably need to get your admin to do it. I've found that it's not granular enough to only share one topic - it's all or nothing. If you want to give admin permissions to just one or two people, you can just share the bot with those people and not use a security group.