I have a power automate flow to capture data using powerapps (v2) as the starting trigger. However, it seems there is a small percentage that when I review the power automate failed run log, the data input for the fields are blank. For example, if i am inputting file name, date, the file name comes in as blank. Any ideas how to circumnavigate this or do an if statement if input is blank, re-run the step again to recapture the input data?
Hi @weebot ,
In that case you may want to include some condition to provide a default value in case of a blank value in the formula that triggers the flow, for instance:
"No input provided",
Hi, the above is what I have but I need to make all the fields "required" to have it in a certain order and ensure I capture all the data. I would think if some are optional, there are risks that I may have the flow run but would miss crucial data.