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Modern table control - Date format & lookup field issue

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I would like to use the modern table control in my canvas app using dataverse tables.
Contact and AccountID are lookup fields.
My first attempt
Search(Filter('Opportunity CRM',OpportunityStatus<>'OpportunityStatus (Opportunity CRM)'.Lost),TxtSearchOpportunities.Value,OpportunityID,OpportunityCandidate,OpportunityKey)
Then I tried to solve date format issue by using the AddColumns formula
New Formula
Search(Filter(AddColumns('Opportunity CRM',DeadlineFormatted,Text(OpportunityDeadline,DateTimeFormat.ShortDate,"nl-BE")),
OpportunityStatus<>'OpportunityStatus (Opportunity CRM)'.Lost),TxtSearchOpportunities.Value,OpportunityID,OpportunityCandidate,OpportunityKey)
By using the AddColumns formula, the lookup fields are empty now...
I would like to have 3x OK.
How can I solve this issue?
  • Suggested answer
    ThomasVDS Profile Picture
    ThomasVDS 102 on at
    Modern table control - Date format & lookup field issue
    Thank you for your suggestions, but they did not work.
    Via the following formula the lookup fields are shown, I added them also in the AddColumns part
    Search(Filter(AddColumns('Opportunity CRM',DeadlineFormatted,Text(OpportunityDeadline,DateTimeFormat.ShortDate,"nl-BE"),AccountName,AccountID.AccountID,ContactName,OpportunityContact.ContactID),OpportunityStatus<>'OpportunityStatus (Opportunity CRM)'.Lost),TxtSearchOpportunities.Value,OpportunityID,OpportunityCandidate,OpportunityKey)
  • timl Profile Picture
    timl 33,744 on at
    Modern table control - Date format & lookup field issue
    Hi ThomasVDS
    I'd try wrapping AddColumns around the Search. That should hopefully work.
               Search(Filter('Opportunity CRM',OpportunityStatus<>'OpportunityStatus (Opportunity CRM)'.Lost),
  • Suggested answer
    MichaelFP Profile Picture
    MichaelFP 1,543 on at
    Modern table control - Date format & lookup field issue
    You need to put the filter inside the AddColumn() and not the inverse. Try that and will get all of the columns that you required.

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