I have a variable called varBase which has a looooong string value inside.
I want to "trim it" and especially delete some characters on both start and end of this value.
I have managed to remove the first 22 characters that I want out, by using :
Right(varBase, Len(varBase) -22)
However, simultaneously i want to remove the double quote character " [Ascii 34 / Char(34)] at the end.
Any ideas anyone?
really appreciate your quick responses!!! @Drrickryp @rubin_boer
Substitute(Right(varBase, Len(varBase) -22),""","")
if there was only one " in the string. If there are more and you want to replace the last one
{no:CountRows(MatchAll(varBase, """)),
Substitute(Right(varBase, Len(varBase) -22),""","",no)
hi @SmoothOperator Mid(Right(varBase, Len(varBase) -22),1,len(Right(varBase, Len(varBase) -22))-1)