I created a power automate flow for sending proactive message to users weekly via teams chat. I need to add a new step, if the users doesn't want this notification they can unsubscribe it. But how can it be possible?. I added an adaptive card with unsubscribe button. But after clicking this, how the recipient will be removed automatically next week? Could anyone please help me?
I followed this Notify bot users in Teams with proactive messages - Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Learn
Hi @Expiscornovus ,
Thanks for your reply. I used 'Post adaptive card and wait for a response'. Unsubscribe button clicks are storing in a variable called 'submitActionId' there. But how can we use a condition action here and check before sending the proactive message.
Hi @preethy-1,
Are you storing those unsubscribe button clicks somewhere? (A unsubscribed list with user name, start & end date of the unsubscribe/mute period)
If that is the case you could probably use a condition action and check this data in your flow just before you are sending the proactive message in your flow.