Hi all,
I have create a Power Apps.
This PowerApps App is linnked with a SharePoint List and it is very important so user can choose the right supplier (name of company supplier).
I have noted two issues:
1) Supplier name are not in alphabetically order in PowerApps DropDown menu
2) I have added a new Item (new supplier in SharePoint List) but I do not found it in PowerApps DropDown Menu.
New Supplier is in SharePoint List and SharePoint List is sorted alphabetically.
How can I solve it?
Dear @FrostedFlake ,
Thanks so much!
I do not know why, but using
Sort(yourSharePointList; columnToSortBy; Ascending)
I don't have issue about "OnSelect" property of my confirm button!
I have just a doubt: Is it normal that I have to "refresh manually" data from SharePoint List?
Hi @FedericoCoppola ,
nothing easier than that! Try this in the "Items" property of your DropDown:
Sort(yourSharePointList; columnToSortBy; Ascending)
For example:
Sort(Suppliers; supplierName; Ascending)
This will list all suppliers by the first letter of their name. Let me know if it worked for you!
Hi @poweractivate
Thanks so much for your reply
I have tried the first suggestion using
SortByColumns(NameOfSharePointList, "FieldNameToSortBy").NameOfColumnToDisplayInDropDown
and it works fine!
After that I have tried to force "update data from source list" and it works too.
After SortByColumns I have a trouble with a button that update data in a SharePoint List. 🤔
I have a confirm button that is linked to a Power Automate Flow that get the ID of the supplier and not the name! ☹️
This is the update block of my Power Automate Flow:
I need to continue to keep the ID in OnSelect property of button.
How can I solve it?
1) Try this:
In items Property,
Instead of just
Try instead this:
SortByColumns(NameOfSharePointList, "FieldNameToSortBy").NameOfColumnToDisplayInDropDown
2) Try one of two things:
2a) Try to go to Data Sources in the App and click the Refresh button on SharePoint List data source.
2b) To do this from inside the App itself instead during runtime, use the Refresh function from somewhere, such as OnVisible of the first screen of the App. Then to test, switch back and forth between another screen and that screen. However note that for very substantial changes to the SharePoint List like adding columns, only 2a specifically might work for this.