I am trying to populate a collection with data from an SQL Database. I am delegating a Date filter to the SQL server to minimise the amount of data handled by the PowerApp. When the code is actioned (from a button) I recieve the error "An error occured on the server."
The code attached to the button select property is:
Set(CurrentDate, DatePicker1.SelectedDate);
Collect(WorkOrderTable,Filter('[db_owner].[ResourceEstimationTimeSheet]', Date = CurrentDate))
Strangly the filter works fine if i use:
Date = DatePicker1.SelectedDate
Instead of:
Date = CurrentDate
What is the reason for this behaviour?? I have attached an image below for your reference
Hi @tim
Thanks for the response. I set up a clone of the ResourceEstimationTimeSheet and renamed the Date column to DateCol. The issue still persists.
Its also interesting to note that I am also now able to produce this issue when using DatePicker1.SelectedDate.
My DateCol column is of date type Date not DateTime. Could this be the issue?
EDIT: I also forgot to mention that i have no issue when i filtered on a string type column.
This is an interesting question and I'm curious as to what the answer is.
The thing I notice is that the name of your column in ResourceEstimationTimeSheet is Date. Perhaps Date might be a keyword somewhere in PowerApps, and this might be the cause of the problem? (Date is the name of a function in PowerApps, but I don't think that's the cause of the problem.)
Interestingly, if you fully qualify the field name, the filter expression becomes non delegable and that's not the behaviour I would expect.
If you were to filter a date column other than the column called 'date', do you get the same behaviour? Incidently, I was able to make this syntax work with my column called 'StartDate' without seeing any error.