Hi all,
I used the cdn to identify fields in my object detection model.
Tis worked during training. So now my model is 100 on the prestation tab.
Now I get an error when I want to publish my model to use in power automate.
Is this because my model is 100% or do I need to configure something else in my CDN?
The pictures are in dutch but i tried to put some translation beside it.
Kind regards
Thanks for the reply.
I'm still not able to pulish my model. id = e0c91763-ced6-463d-9612-139ca59b3a44.
In the mean time i've build a model that is not based on a CDN entity.
But now I can't understand how to get the prediction. (see attached power automate)
kind regards
Could you try republishing your model.
If it doesn't work, could you send us your model id ?
(you can find it in the url: powerapps.com/.../aibuilder/models/<modelid>