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Transposing table from single rows to columns

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Hello friends,

i have a question where i do not seem to get anywhere with my attempts or with what i read up in the forums here. I have the case, that i have to use datasources from custom dataverse tables that are created like this:


Category	| Fieldname		| Value				| DatasetNo
Employee	| Name			| Peter Parker		| 1
Employee	| Company		| SomeCompany1		| 1
Employee	| Email			|	| 1
Employee	| Name			| Clark Kent		| 2
Employee	| Company		| SomeCompany2		| 2
Employee	| Email			|	| 2
Employee	| Name			| Tony Stark		| 3
Employee	| Company		| SomeCompany3		| 3
Employee	| Email			|	| 3


As you can see, each employee from the list has 3 single rows of data, where DatasetNo is the key. I have these values in a collection and need to display them (e. g. in a Listbox), so i wonder how i would smartly 'convert' the collection to something this:


EmployeeName	| EmployeeCompany	| EmployeeEmail		| DatasetNo
Peter Parker	| SomeCompany1		| 	| 1
Clark Kent		| SomeCompany2		|	| 2
Tony Stark		| SomeCompany3		|	| 3


So that all values belonging to one dataset are like transfered to a new collection i could like easily use in a Listbox or any component.

I've tried some things myself, like making 4 seperate collections - one for each column - and combine them afterwards. But that does not seem like the smart way to handle it. Maybe you have a smarter way to do that?

  • skoerber Profile Picture
    skoerber 20 on at
    Re: Transposing table from single rows to columns

    Hi Madlad,

    thanks a lot for taking the time to help out with this. This absolutely works like described. And i am coming back to this so late, because i had different other challenges for this problem. You where giving me great ideas, on how to use different functions, so this was very helpful. Thanks again for that!


  • Verified answer
    madlad Profile Picture
    madlad 2,637 on at
    Re: Transposing table from single rows to columns

    The easiest way to get this would be to use  Grouping/Ungrouping - however, this wouldn't get it perfectly like you requested, but it should be able to be used very similarly.

    Something like:


    ClearCollect(*Collection*, GroupBy(*DataSource*, DatasetNo))



    To get strictly what you wanted, with columns for each field, as long as you know the names of all fields going in, you could do a forall where you check what the field name is, check if a record with that datasetno exists yet, and if it does patch to that record, otherwise create a new one. Something along the lines of:


     *DataSource* As DS,
     CountIf(*Collection*, DatasetNo = DS.DatasetNo) = 0,
     Collect(*Collection*, {DatasetNo: DS.DatasetNo, Name: DS.Value}),
     Patch(*Collection*, LookUp(*Collection*, DatasetNo = DS.DatasetNo), {Name: DS.Value})
     CountIf(*Collection*, DatasetNo = DS.DatasetNo) = 0,
     Collect(*Collection*, {DatasetNo: DS.DatasetNo, Company: DS.Value}),
     Patch(*Collection*, LookUp(*Collection*, DatasetNo = DS.DatasetNo), {Company: DS.Value})
     CountIf(*Collection*, DatasetNo = DS.DatasetNo) = 0,
     Collect(*Collection*, {DatasetNo: DS.DatasetNo, Email: DS.Value}),
     Patch(*Collection*, LookUp(*Collection*, DatasetNo = DS.DatasetNo), {Email: DS.Value})


    This is obviously a lot longer(and maybe there's a nicer way, but this is what I thought of first), but something like it should convert your first table to your second, in the form of a collection.


    Hope this helps!

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