Is it possible to have your main gallery show multiple linked fields from 3 tables
EG - show field 1 from another tabled based on unique key?
Thanks for info, this helped me, but I´m working with a bridgeTable also.
like this:
Table1 | cardenality | Table2 | cardenality | Table3 |
User | 1---* | UserPermissons | *---1 | Permissons |
UserID | UserID | PermissonID | ||
UserName | PermissonID | PermissonName |
I´m trying to display UserName and PermissonNames associated with that user in a Gallery. How would you go about modifying you formula to achieve that?
Best regards Måns
Okay so now to take it further...
How do I now relate a form to the items
So... I need the Item property to be the related fields..
It's worked now.
I had multiple gallery's within my page (becoming visible/invisible) based in some filters
So I had made a mistake
And here are my tables for clarification
Like this? for multiple criteria
I am doing the same thing as your screen shot
Can I use multiple criteria? Is it because the database thinks there could be more than 1 row